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Tumblr Research Blog
May 17, 2012 Kyle R
Tumblr Research Blog

OpenSimSim and many of our partners use tumblr both as a promotional site for the work and sharing research-based articles pertaining to specific projects.

ImagineEnvelope, one of good friends, has created a great tumblr that features the students projects made from their facade design studio Bucky Lab at TU Delft, shares the articles and products they are looking at for their work, and announces major awards and accomplishes the firm recieves. The site has over 1000 followers and is frequently featured as a tumblr leader on sustainabilty. http://imagineblog.tumblr.com/

For those timid to start posting on tumblr, the site is great for gathering information. Tumblr has a large group of great, dedicated bloggers posting articles on urban design, science, technology, and architecture just to name a few.

The way OpenSimSim has found tumblr operations to be the most successful is to have one admin that runs the day-to-day operations and allow for our designers to post interesting articles that find and share them with the group. The secret is to have a steady stream of posts that helps engage the group and our followers. This micro-sharing creates a unique environment where self-learning is promoted, the process accelerate our knowledge on a project, and promotes interest back in our followers to independently work out solutions.

More Info:
An online conversation sponsored by The American Institute of Architects.
Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer